without love, i am nothing
i've been trying to memorize 1 corinthians 13. and one thought keeps returning... i really don't have much of a grasp on what it really is to love. the Lord has used a lot of situations in my life to bring this to light for me. He shows me my immaturity in the way i relate to people... the way i respond when people don't do what i think they should do. the other day my own shallowness and selfishness just kind of hit me in the face all at once. gross! i had to ask Him to change me. really change me. and i believe He can... in fact, this weekend, He kind of started the process. i was at home for easter. and it was like one thing after another just kept pricking my heart and i began to feel a very deep hurt. it's interesting how He'll use what i'm doing in school to teach me spiritual lessons. i was writing a story for my feature writing class about globalization affecting rural alabama towns, so of course i focused on abbeville. and it really broke my heart by the time i finished my story. talking to so many people whose lives are basically getting washed out in this huge process. all that to say... in the car on the way home i was talking to the Lord about how sad it made me. and not just the globalization, other things at home too. but the hurt was just bearing down on my spirit with this unbelievable pressure. and that's when He told me that He hurts too. only much more deeply, because He loves more deeply. the love won't come easily. it hurts to really love. but He's beginning the process in me, and i'm thankful.
I think that's what C.S. Lewis meant when he wrote in "The Four Loves" that loving opens us up to the potential for greatest joy and greatest pain. God loves us so much and He wants our love in return and He wants what's best for us, but we often choose the lesser things and it's pain...like unrequited love...
Keep learning to love; it is hard but worth it. There are times when you won't understand what's going on, but trust Him.
Phil, At
April 19, 2006
The Lord is Faithful...He is the definition of Faithfulness!
I am just now discovering this whole blog network of GCM and I have enjoyed my trips into blogland.
For more reflections about my own journey with Father and learning to love, read the Renovations post on my blog...have a great week!
Phil, At
April 20, 2006
What a great site, how do you build such a cool site, its excellent.
Anonymous, At
June 11, 2006
Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
Anonymous, At
July 21, 2006
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