one thing i heard at church sunday, which has been brought to my spiritual attentions a few times since i have been here in nashville, is the situation in Israel. i still don't understand the situation fully, but this i know: it is important for me, as a daughter of God, to be praying toward peace in Israel. i'm still trying to do some research, to understand what's going on, but i know that it all plays a key role in end times, which of course, i believe is happening right now, all around us.
pray for the peace of Israel, and against the forces of evil working in the middle east.
pray for the peace of Israel, and against the forces of evil working in the middle east.
pooh, thanks for the call while in nashville. We heard the CEO of Jews for Jesus speak last week and learned a lot about the situation/our role. Praying that the Holy Spirit will lead you and guide you as teacher.
also - if you know how to write a rif or what your chi o member number is, help a sista out.
Billie, At
July 20, 2006
I believe it too and it's kinda scary. But, strangely, it has drawn me closer to God.
Lillee, At
August 04, 2006
Hey - this has also been brought to my attention this past Sunday ... I really believe that the Lord wants the church to take our rightful position - our knees!
Terri Leigh, At
August 07, 2006
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